Web Design Case Study: How We Boosted Conversion Rates for a Brisbane Company

As a web design agency based in Brisbane, we have had the opportunity to work with a variety of local businesses to improve their online presence and drive more traffic to their websites. In this case study, we’ll share the results we achieved for one of our clients, a Brisbane-based company in the retail industry.

The Challenge

Our client approached us with the goal of increasing their website’s conversion rate. Despite having a decent amount of traffic, they were struggling to turn visitors into customers. Upon reviewing their current website, we identified several areas for improvement.

The Solution

First and foremost, we focused on improving the overall user experience of the website. We streamlined the navigation and made it easier for visitors to find the products they were looking for. We also worked on improving the aesthetics of the website, updating the design to be more visually appealing and modern.

Next, we implemented a number of conversion optimization techniques. We added prominent calls to action, such as “Add to Cart” buttons and a prominent newsletter sign-up form, to encourage visitors to take action. We also made sure that the checkout process was as smooth and seamless as possible.

Finally, we added several new features to the website, including customer reviews and a product recommendation system, to help build trust and credibility with visitors.

The Results

After implementing these changes, we saw a significant improvement in the client’s conversion rate. Within the first month, the conversion rate had increased by 35%, and it continued to rise in the following months.

In addition to the improved conversion rate, the client also saw an increase in overall website traffic and revenue. The updated website design and improved user experience helped to attract more visitors and drive more sales.


By focusing on the user experience and implementing conversion optimisation techniques, we were able to help our client significantly improve their website’s conversion rate. These efforts led to an increase in website traffic and revenue for the client. If you’re looking to improve your website’s conversion rate, consider working with a professional web design agency to achieve the best results.